We had our own pits, with heater, toilet, showers and more luxury, than we ever had before.

Also the track layout was mega cool. We were doing 200 kph entrys just to see how fast we can go and also very fast 4th gear drifts through some banked corners.

The judget section was a very long and technical section including about 7 corners. And in training we were allowed to drift the whole entire track wich meanes you could kill a brand new set of tires in less than 2 laps :)
As much as i liked the Track, as much i was annoyed after i destroyed my gearbox before the qualification. Bad luck, but it seemed that im running slightly too much power for the standart gearboxes.
This was in the Oil, when i released it:

And this is a picture of my 3rd gear - not only 1 toot left:

that was gearbox number 6 so far.
But i shure i will be back at this really nice track!