But i really liked the track layout and qualified 3rd overall with 1 point missind to the 2nd :)
VIDEO: one top 3 qualification run
My first oponent at the Nürburgring was no one else than Berend van Berkel in his widebody M3 GTR. Unfortunately my reartires were already falling appart in the warm up lap and i was not allowed to change them. So i was a bit angry and put the pressure on Berend. That worked out, i won the first battle.

round 2 - fight!
Oponent number 2 was Paul the Driftking Vlasblom again. Remember: he tricked me at rd. 3, and i wanted to win this battle :D
In the warm up i was not drifting, and in the first rund i was leading doing a massive backwards entry (no left foot braking) but that was just right, Paul struggled and had to stop his drift for a short time, but he got back manjiing the uphill section and nearly crashed into my passenger dor.
Run 2 was 7:3 for Paul because i thought first run was a 10:0 for me, because he stopped drifting and nearly crashed into me.
BUT the Judges decited Paul won - even Paul said this must have been a "one more time".
All in all this was still statisfying to me, because Paul ist one of the most experienced drifters in Europe and i just saw a little chance and will continue here the next time :)
Overall Result for me was 6th position again and i had a great weekend with good battles.
In the Championship points table i moved up to Rank 9 "Hell yeah im in the TOP10!" :)